Story By: Sergiu Nazaru, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash
An uninhibited young woman was spotted sunbathing on a grave in a city cemetery.
The picture was taken in the Chip cemetery, located in the Ampoi III neighbourhood of the city of Alba Iulia, located in western Romania’s Alba county.
The picture shows her lying down on a towel that has been placed on the stone cover of a grave and is reading a book as if she were on the beach.
The young woman does not seem bothered by the graves that surround her and was sunbathing without any inhibition.
The person who sent this picture to the Alba24 news site said: “This is how people spend the day at midday in the cemetery, just like on the beach.”
‘Gabi Gaby’, a netizen, said it was not so stupid as “at least in the cemetery she avoids COVID”.
And ‘Ramona Cristina’ agreed saying “she’s avoided crowded places”.
Cosmin Waw said: “Maybe under the concrete slab is the lady’s husband and she wanted to go to the beach with him.”
Alba24 checked if the photo was really taken in the Chip cemetery, identifying the location. Two people are buried in the area where she was sunbathing and the tomb was made 13 years ago.
The Chip cemetery is the second largest in the city.
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