Read more about the article Olympic song makes Croatian sailor unique at Paris 2024

Olympic song makes Croatian sailor unique at Paris 2024 Croatian sailing star Filip Jurisic is probably the only one racing for Olympic medals at Paris 2014 having a special song dedicated to him. The 31-year-old is going to be the one fighting for medals together with the Briton Michael Backett. Top Croatian pop star Neno Belan performs the…

Read more about the article How Turkish Fans Blitzed Austrian Team With Fireworks Before EURO2024 Showdown
Image shows the fireworks by Turkish fans in front of the Austrian national team's hotel in Leipzig, Germany, undated photo. It happened before Turkey's win, July 2, 2024. (Newsflash)

How Turkish Fans Blitzed Austrian Team With Fireworks Before EURO2024 Showdown

Turkish football fans are claiming they blitzed Austria out of the EURO2024 tournament by bombarding the team hotel with fireworks the night before the match. Many pundits were surprised then unfancied Turkey beat Austria 2-1 on 2nd July to get through to the quarter-finals. Now a video posted on…

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Club Wins Championship After Massive 43-1 Final Match

The Hungarian Under-14 League has come under scrutiny after a team who needed to win by 42 goals to secure the title won their final encounter 43-1. Kerekeghyazi SE, who was second in the league, needed to pull off the tremendous feat to come out on top, with the match…

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Controversy After Fat Man Goes Up Against Two Women In Romanian MMA Cage Brawl

This is the controversial MMA fight in Romania that saw one fat man go up against two women in a controversial cage brawl that has tongues in the country and in the mixed martial arts world wagging. The MMA event, broadcast on Romanian TV, caused a stir during the…

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Read more about the article Schumacher Family Awarded GBP 170,000 In Compensation Over AI-Fabricated Interview
Picture shows Michael Schumacher, undated. He fell badly in the French Alps and suffered severe head injuries. (Newsflash)

Schumacher Family Awarded GBP 170,000 In Compensation Over AI-Fabricated Interview

A magazine publisher has paid Michael Schumacher's family GBP 170,000 after publishing an AI-generated interview with the seven-time Formula One champion, falsely presenting it as a world-first exclusive. Picture shows Michael Schumacher, undated. He fell badly in the French Alps and suffered severe head injuries. (Newsflash) The racing legend's family…

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