Read more about the article Moment Hubby Brutally Stabs Ex-Wife In Hairdressers
Pic shows: Regina Gagieva, 22, the victim. This is the moment an enraged ex-husband repeatedly stabs his former wife in the hairdresser's where she works sending blood splattering all over the floor.

Moment Hubby Brutally Stabs Ex-Wife In Hairdressers

Story By: Anna Casap, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News WARNING: GRAPHIC AND DISTRESSING CONTENT This is the moment an enraged ex-husband repeatedly stabs his former wife in the hairdresser's where she works sending blood splattering across the floor. The shocking incident was caught on CCTV and took place in the city of Vladikavkaz, which is the…

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Read more about the article Ex-Con Pours Hot Oil Over His Wife After Prison Snub
Pic shows: Victim, 28-year-old Kübra T. in the hospital. An ex-con has been arrested for stabbing the mother of his two children and throwing hot oil over her bleeding body because she reportedly gave him a frosty reception on his release from prison.

Ex-Con Pours Hot Oil Over His Wife After Prison Snub

Story By: Peotr Tulba, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT An ex-con has been arrested for stabbing the mother of his two children and throwing hot oil over her bleeding body because she reportedly gave him a frosty reception on his release from prison. According to local media, 40-year-old Ersin Yu stabbed his 28-year-old…

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Read more about the article Hubby Disfigures Wife With Rock In Front Of 4 Kids
Pic shows: The woman found bleeding heavily on the ground. This is the shocking moment a bloodied and disfigured young mum struggles to her feet after reportedly being beaten by her partner with a rock in front of their four children.

Hubby Disfigures Wife With Rock In Front Of 4 Kids

Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT This bloodied and disfigured young mum was reportedly beaten with a rock so badly by her violent husband in front of their four children that her nose was turned into a "jigsaw puzzle". The incident was filmed in Cochani in the district of Upahuacho…

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Read more about the article Wife Beater Dad Throws Daughter At Police Vehicle
Pic shows: The father throwing his daughter into the back of the police pickup. This is the moment a man summoned by the cops for allegedly hitting his ex-wife flings his young daughter onto the back of a police pickup truck to spite arresting officers.

Wife Beater Dad Throws Daughter At Police Vehicle

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment an angry dad throws his young daughter into the back of a police pickup truck because he was furious that they had been called to investigate a violent row he was having with his wife. The incident was captured…

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Read more about the article Wife Who Called Cops On Hubby 15 Times Choked To Death
Picture Credit: CEN

Wife Who Called Cops On Hubby 15 Times Choked To Death

Picture Credit: CEN This wife who reported her husband 15 times for domestic violence has been strangled to death at her home and cops have launched a manhunt for her spouse. Twenty-seven-year-old Connie Janeth Beltran Dominguez’s body was found strangled with bruising all over her body in her home in…

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