Read more about the article Loyal Pet Pup Guards Escaped Baby Crawling Down Street
Police finds a baby crawling on the street in the middle of the night with his dog in Cordoba, Argentina, undated. The baby was handed over to his mother. (Policia Cordoba/Newsflash)

Loyal Pet Pup Guards Escaped Baby Crawling Down Street

This is the man's best friend moment when a loyal pet pup follows his family's escape artist baby as he crawls down the street in the middle of the night. Unknown to his parents, the year-old tot had crept out of the family home in Cordoba, Argentina, at 4am,…

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Read more about the article Car Driver ‘Climbs’ A Tree After Colliding With Vehicle And Spinning Out Of Control
A car goes over a tree after reversing in Changyang, Hubei, China, undated. It also hit another car. (AsiaWire)

Car Driver ‘Climbs’ A Tree After Colliding With Vehicle And Spinning Out Of Control

This is the dramatic moment an out-of-control motorist climbs over a tree with their car after hitting another vehicle in the street and spinning in circles. The incident, captured on CCTV footage, reportedly occurred in Changyang, in China's central Hubei Province, on 19th March. A black sedan could be…

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Huge Tree Suddenly Topples Over Onto Cars At Traffic Lights In Rome

This is the moment a huge tree suddenly topples over onto cars stopped at traffic lights in the Italian capital Rome. The incident took place on via Cristoforo Colombo, near viale Asia. At around 11:45 am on the morning of Tuesday, 19th March. The footage shows a number of…

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Read more about the article Over 200 Beer Crates Spill Onto Street As Van Overturns During Sharp Turn
The beer boxes on top of a van fall to the ground when the van turned too fast in Baoji, Shaanxi, China, undated. The ropes weren't tied tightly. (xianbeiiii/AsiaWire)

Over 200 Beer Crates Spill Onto Street As Van Overturns During Sharp Turn

This is the moment over 200 beer crates tumble off a small van as it overturned on the street while making a sharp turn. Dash-cam footage captured the moment countless beer bottles cascaded off the open back of the van in the middle of traffic in Baoji, in China's…

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