Smurfits Ex Tells How Trolls Stalked Daughter At School

Story By: Anna CasapEditorJoseph GolderAgencyCentral European News

The TV star ex-girlfriend of Irish millionaire Alex Smurfit has told how internet trolls took bullying to the next level by asking authorities to take away her daughter and even stalked the youngster at school.

Victoria Bonya, 39, made the shocking revaluations came as she poured out her heart to Instagram followers online.

Picture Credit: CEN/@victoriabonya

In the post, she told followers how several women had started petitions for social services to take away her beloved child.

Meanwhile, she also told how the cruel online trolls insulted and threatened not only her, but also her mother and daughter and even tracked down the youngster at school.

Picture Credit: CEN/@victoriabonya

Speaking about the abuse she posted: “These are people who have moved to the next level. They hate me, that I can understand, but also insult my mother and my daughter.

“They monitor my child, come to her school <…>.

Picture Credit: CEN/@victoriabonya

“They have a dream – to deprive me of my parental rights so that my daughter is left without a mother.”

The TV host went on to tell how she spent six months trying to track down the cowards behind the abuse and was shocked to find that themselves were women with families of their own.

Picture Credit: CEN/@victoriabonya

She says that she now hopes to take legal action against the women involved.

She added: “I want everyone who is familiar with them to spread the information and dishonor them in the way they deserve it.
“I will collect all possible information about them to hold these people accountable under the law!”, outraged Victoria spoke out on her Instagram.”

She also posted some of the offensive comments she received online.

One alleged troll commented: “Smart people with the right connections will make it so that Bonya accidentally gets into an accident or is accidentally attacked in a dark alley. It will be just an accident.”

Bonya added photos of the alleged trolls and asked her followers to make repost and send her information about them.

It is unclear whether she has contacted police about the matter.

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