Read more about the article Footy-Mad Husband Stabs Wife To Death During Row Over Rival Teams
The victim, Erica Fernandes Ceschini who was allegedly killed by her husband Leonardo Souza Ceschini. (Newsflash)

Footy-Mad Husband Stabs Wife To Death During Row Over Rival Teams

A man in Brazil has been arrested for stabbing his wife to death during a row over their rival football teams. Cops in the footie-mad nation arrested Leonardo Souza Ceschini, 34, in the district of Sao Domingo in the city of Sao Paulo after he allegedly stabbed his wife several…

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Read more about the article Teen Who Killed Boy For Being Fan Of Rival Team Jailed
John Jairo Soto Ospina, the suspect. (Newsflash)

Teen Who Killed Boy For Being Fan Of Rival Team Jailed

A football fan has been jailed for almost 35 years for killing a 15-year-old schoolboy who was a fan of a rival team. The court heard that the killer, identified as John Jairo Soto Ospina, who was 18 at the time, shot the younger man because he was a fan…

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Read more about the article US Rescuers Airlift Trapped Horse Out Of 60-Ft Ravine
Technical rescue team member preparing Lola for flying. (Newsflash)

US Rescuers Airlift Trapped Horse Out Of 60-Ft Ravine

This is the moment a US rescue team straps a sedated horse into a harness and airlifts it out of a 60-foot ravine after it fell and trapped itself. Newsflash The incident was filmed in Orange County in the Los Angeles metropolitan area located in the US state of…

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Read more about the article Underwater Mine Exploded in Greece
Underwater Disaster Management (DYC) carrying out the neutralization of a German mooring mine. (Hellenic Navy/Newsflash)

Underwater Mine Exploded in Greece

A Greek mine disposal team has filmed itself detonating a world war two sea mine off the southern coast of Greece. Hellenic Navy/Newsflash The navy's mine disposal management team and the Underwater Disaster Management team neutralised the WW2 era German mine off the coast of Diros, Laconia, on the…

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Read more about the article German Football Team Naked To Protest Commercialisation
Two teams will compete naked against each other. An image shared by the artist on Instagram. (Newsflash)

German Football Team Naked To Protest Commercialisation

A German artist has arranged for a game of football between naked players to take place to complain about the increasing commercialisation of the sport. The match in which the two teams were in the nude apart from their footwear was organised at the Stimberg Stadium in the town of…

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