Read more about the article Explosion Under Mum As Girl Drops Banger In Septic Tank
Pic Shows: An exploding underground septic tank injures 4 people in Sichuan, China; This shocking footage shows a mum-of-three and her kids who are sent flying by an explosion when one of her daughters allegedly drops a live firework down a septic tank.

Explosion Under Mum As Girl Drops Banger In Septic Tank

Story By: John Feng, Sub-Editor:  Alex Cope, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This footage shows the ground exploding beneath a mum-of-three and her kids after one of her daughters allegedly dropped a banger down a septic tank. The freak accident happened in the gated community where the family lives, and where the…

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Read more about the article 2 Dead As Fireworks Factory Explodes Into Huge Fireball
Pic shows: Moment of the explosion. This is the moment a firework factory explodes into a huge fireball in an accident which left two people dead.

2 Dead As Fireworks Factory Explodes Into Huge Fireball

Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/@SS_Edomex This is the moment a firework factory explodes into a huge fireball in an accident which left two people dead. The shocking accident took place at a firework and pyrotechnics factory in the San Pedro de la Laguna area of…

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Read more about the article Explosions At Burning Fireworks Warehouse Spark Panic
Pic shows: Moment of the explosion of the factory. This is the moment residents flee from a pyrotechnics warehouse that is engulfed in flames and shooting fireworks high into the sky.

Explosions At Burning Fireworks Warehouse Spark Panic

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN This is the moment residents flee from a pyrotechnics warehouse that is engulfed in flames and shooting fireworks high into the sky. The incident was filmed in the early hours of 1st January in the community of Nueva Palestina in…

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Read more about the article Viral: Dog Suffers Epilepsy Attack During Fireworks Show
Pic Shows: A dog suffering an epilepsy attack due to firecrackers; This is the viral moment a poor dog rocks on a bed with wide-open eyes while reportedly suffering three epilepsy attacks caused by street fireworks during a Christmas celebration.

Viral: Dog Suffers Epilepsy Attack During Fireworks Show

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/@IHF1991 This is the viral moment a poor dog rocks on a bed with wide-open eyes while reportedly suffering three epilepsy attacks caused by street fireworks during a Christmas celebration. The incident was filmed by netizen ‘Ismael’, who lives in the…

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Read more about the article Bungled Fireworks Display Burns Down City Xmas Tree
Pic shows: The tree on fire. This is the moment a tall Christmas tree in a city centre turns into a huge fireball after reportedly being set alight by fireworks sparks during a bungled display.

Bungled Fireworks Display Burns Down City Xmas Tree

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN This is the moment a tall Christmas tree in a city centre turns into a huge fireball after reportedly being set alight by fireworks sparks during a bungled display. The incident took place around 9.30pm on Las Americas Square in…

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