Read more about the article Youths Shoot Fireworks At Gas Station Cashier
The suspects taking pictures inside the store, one of whom has been identified as Mohammed Mumin. ( Peel Regional Police/Newsflash)

Youths Shoot Fireworks At Gas Station Cashier

This is the moment two young men walk into a petrol station and shoot a lit firework at the cashier. Peel Regional Police/Newsflash The incident, that was captured on CCTV, happened at a petrol station in the city of Mississauga, in the southern Canadian province of Ontario shortly after…

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Read more about the article China Villager Celebrates Pandemic In US With Fireworks
Picture Credit: AsiaWire

China Villager Celebrates Pandemic In US With Fireworks

Video Credit: AsiaWire This shocking video has emerged of a Chinese villager celebrating the ongoing pandemic in the United States by putting up a huge banner and setting off fireworks. The tasteless stunt comes just days after a Chinese restaurant manager was arrested for doing something similar in order to…

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Read more about the article French Thugs Shoot Fireworks At Lockdown Cop Car
Pic shows: Men bomb cops as they'rechecking confinement is effective This is the moment French residents protest against the strict COVID-19 measures by reportedly setting up a blockade to ambush police officers with fireworks and mortars fire.

French Thugs Shoot Fireworks At Lockdown Cop Car Newsflash/@UNITESGPPOLICE93 This footage shows fireworks being shot at a police car during the strict COVID-19 lockdown in a dodgy neighbourhood on the outskirts of Paris causing it to drive away after it is repeatedly hit. The incident was filmed in Saint-Denis, a commune in the northern suburbs of the…

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Read more about the article Driver Lets Off Fireworks Inside Car On Canadian Mway
Pic shows: Fireworks blasting out of a moving car This is the moment a motorist speeds along a motorway in Canada while letting fireworks off from inside the car which nearly hit passing vehicles.

Driver Lets Off Fireworks Inside Car On Canadian Mway

CEN/@unofficiallysaskatoon This is the moment a motorist speeds along a motorway in Canada while letting fireworks off from inside the car. The incident took place on the Idylwyld Drive Freeway outside the city of Saskatoon in the southern Canadian province of Saskatchewan, and the footage was shared online by Facebook…

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Read more about the article 26 Tonnes Of Fireworks Go Off As Overturned Lorry Burns
Pic Shows: Firefighters putting out the burning lorry with the help of a water cannon drone; This is the moment 26 tonnes of fireworks go off after a lorry carrying the flammable cargo overturned on its way off a motorway before catching fire.

26 Tonnes Of Fireworks Go Off As Overturned Lorry Burns

AsiaWire This is the moment 26 tonnes of fireworks go off after a lorry carrying the flammable cargo overturned on a motorway before catching fire. Footage from Qixingguan District in the city of Bijie, which is in south-western China’s Guizhou Province, show the heavy goods vehicle lying on its side…

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