Read more about the article Falling Bicycle Kills OAP Outside Home
Pic shows: The bicycle that struck the pensioner. CHINA: This is the horrific moment a pensioner standing below her residential building is struck on the head by a bicycle thrown from above.

Falling Bicycle Kills OAP Outside Home

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a pensioner is fatally struck on the head by a falling bicycle outside his own home. The shocking footage shows the bicycle, which allegedly dropped from a fourth-storey window, landing on…

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Read more about the article Oil Worker Killed By Falling Sheet Of Metal
Pic shows: The metal plate falling on top of the worker and killing him in the process. RUSSIA: This is the shocking moment an oil refinery worker is killed by a falling sheet of metal.

Oil Worker Killed By Falling Sheet Of Metal

Story By: Anastasia Smirnova, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: CEN Video Credit: CEN This is the shocking moment an oil refinery worker is killed by a long sheet of metal after the excavator moving it suddenly drops it on top of him pinning him to the ground. The shocking accident took place at a Transneft Siberia oil field near…

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Read more about the article Car Cam Films Cabbie Falling Asleep In Motorway Crash
Pic shows: The aftermath of the accident. CHINA: A cabbie's on-board camera has captured the moment he dozes off at the wheel and crashes into the back of a construction vehicle on a motorway.

Car Cam Films Cabbie Falling Asleep In Motorway Crash

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire A cabbie's on-board camera has captured the moment he dozes off at the wheel and crashes into the back of a construction vehicle on a motorway. The high-speed collision on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway resulted in…

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Read more about the article 81yo Woman Dies After Falling Out Of Hospital Stretcher
Pic shows: The nurse letting go of the stretcher which leads to the stretcher tipping over. PERU: This is the moment an 81-year-old female patient falls out of a hospital stretcher and suffers a traumatic head injury that reportedly caused her to slip into a coma and die eight days later.

81yo Woman Dies After Falling Out Of Hospital Stretcher

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN This is the moment an 81-year-old female patient falls out of a hospital bed and suffers a traumatic head injury that reportedly caused her to slip into a coma and die eight days later. According…

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Read more about the article Falling Cat Spooks Screaming Bank Clerk
Pic Shows: The cat falling down from the ceiling and scaring the woman; CHINA: This is the moment a stray cat falls from a ceiling panel and frightens a female bank clerk sitting below.

Falling Cat Spooks Screaming Bank Clerk

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a stray cat falls from a ceiling panel and terrifies a female bank clerk sitting below. Footage of the shrieking employee has since gone viral on social media with more than…

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