Good Samaritan Cop Helps Lost Family Of Ducks Reunite With Their Flock At Park Pond

A good Samaritan cop in the USA has helped a family of ducks safely reach the pond after they paid a visit to the police headquarters. The bodycam video shared on the Facebook page of Sarasota Police Department headquarters, Florida State, USA, shows Sergeant Schafer escorting the flock of…

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Read more about the article Tragic Young Girl, 5, Drowns In Picturesque German Lake
Pics Shows: Five year old Christabel that drowned in the fairytale lake; This picture shows a young girl called Christabel celebrating her fifth birthday a few months before she tragically fell into a large "fairytale" lake while playing with ducks and drowned.

Tragic Young Girl, 5, Drowns In Picturesque German Lake

This picture shows a young girl called Christabel celebrating her fifth birthday a few months before she drowned in a picture-postcard German lake while trying to play with the ducks. The incident took place in the Sahlkamp district of Hanover, the capital of the north-western state of Lower Saxony on…

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Read more about the article Cops Help Ducks Cross Road At Coronavirus Checkpoint
Pic Shows: Cops stop traffic to let ducks crossroad; This is the moment cops working at a coronavirus checkpoint in Russia force cars to stop so that a mother duck and her ducklings can cross the road.

Cops Help Ducks Cross Road At Coronavirus Checkpoint

CEN/Krasnodar city administration This is the moment cops working at a coronavirus checkpoint in Russia force cars to stop so that a mother duck and her ducklings can cross the road. The footage was shot from a CCTV camera in Russia's southern city of Krasnodar where police officers were checking…

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Read more about the article Viral: Cute Ducks Wait For Quacking Neighbours Every Day
Pic shows: A family of ducks in China wait for their neighbours before going out to swim every day. This footage seen 110 million times online shows a group of ducks meeting up with their neighbours every morning before waddling off together for a day of fun.

Viral: Cute Ducks Wait For Quacking Neighbours Every Day

AsiaWire / 858990419 This footage seen 110 million times shows a group of ducks meeting up with their quacking neighbours every morning before waddling off together for a day of fun. The adorable scenes were filmed by Linyi City resident ‘Xiaolei’, from East China’s Shandong Province, who told Asia Wire…

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Read more about the article Hungry Python Eats More Than 500 Ducks
Pic shows: Mr Lin's ducks. This is the moment a farmer finds a fat Burmese python and pulls it from its den by its tail after the animal preyed on more than 500 ducks in a year.

Hungry Python Eats More Than 500 Ducks

Story By: John Feng, Sub-Editor:  Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report    Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a farmer finally locates a fat Burmese python and pulls it from its den by its tail after the animal had reportedly preyed on more than 500 of his ducks in a year. Duck farmer Mr Lin…

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