Read more about the article Car Rear-Ended By Lorry Rams Mum And Baby At Zebra Cross
Pic shows: The moment of the crash. This is the moment a mother and her baby in a pushchair are sent flying off a zebra crossing when a car stops for them but is rear-ended by a lorry a second later.

Car Rear-Ended By Lorry Rams Mum And Baby At Zebra Cross

Story By: John Feng, Sub-Editor:  Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report  Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a mother and her baby in a pushchair are sent flying off a zebra crossing when a car stops for them but lunges forward after it is rear-ended by a lorry a second later. The heart-stopping accident…

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Read more about the article Cute Baby Panda Cant Sleep Because Of Hiccups
Pic Shows: The panda twins laying next to each other; It's a hard life being a panda as this new videos shows.

Cute Baby Panda Cant Sleep Because Of Hiccups

Story By: Kathryn Quinn, Sub-Editor:  Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/Berlin Zoo This is the moment one of the adorable baby panda twins born at Berlin Zoo tries to fall asleep but is stopped in its tracks by a bout of the hiccups. The cute scene was recorded at Berlin Zoo in…

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Read more about the article Alpaca Baby Stolen From Petting Zoo
Pic Shows: Alpaca baby, Christinchen, was born on 18th November; This cute baby alpaca has been stolen from a petting zoo leaving its owners desperately searching for it.

Alpaca Baby Stolen From Petting Zoo

Story By: Kathryn Quinn, Sub-Editor:  Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  This cute baby alpaca has been stolen from a petting zoo leaving its owners desperately searching for it. The alpaca was only a few days old when it went missing from a petting zoo at a hotel in Burg, located within the Spree-Neisse district…

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Read more about the article Mum Gives Birth In Hospital WC And Tries To Flush Baby
Pic Shows: The toilet where the woman gave birth to the baby; This 25-year-old mother has given birth to a baby in a hospital bathroom and then allegedly tried to get rid of her newborn son by flushing him down the toilet - pictured here.

Mum Gives Birth In Hospital WC And Tries To Flush Baby

Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  This 25-year-old mother has given birth to a baby in a hospital bathroom and then allegedly tried to get rid of her newborn son by flushing him down the toilet in aq blood-splattered bathroom as seen here. According to local media, Dilcia Maria…

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Read more about the article New Mums Tear Up As Band Plays Tribute Outside Baby Ward
Pic Shows: Police congratulated women in labor through the windows; This is the heartwarming moment young mums are honoured on Mother’s Day in Russia by a police brass band standing on elevated platforms outside the maternity ward window.

New Mums Tear Up As Band Plays Tribute Outside Baby Ward

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/@mvd.rf This is the moment young mums are honoured on Mother’s Day in Russia by a police brass band standing on elevated platforms outside the maternity ward window. The charming display took place at the Moscow Regional Perinatal Centre in the city…

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