Story By: Maja Mishevksa, Sub Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash
This is the moment a heavyset student beats a smaller schoolgirl in front of cheering classmates who do nothing to stop the bullying.
Even the headmaster when confronted with the shocking video refused to accept any blame, saying “I cannot control 400 students”.
The incident was filmed at Secondary School No.93 Evaristo Perez Arreola located in the city of Ciudad Acuna in the northern Mexican state of Coahuila, and the footage was later posted on Twitter where it has been viewed 242,000 times.
The widely-shared clip was shared by the aunt of the victim, identified as Lucero, who called on the education authorities to do something about the ongoing bullying the schoolgirl suffers.

Maricruz L. Escandon also said that her niece is afraid of going to school and that she regularly comes home with new marks on her body.
She said that she complained to the school headmaster about the situation, but he simply replied: “I cannot control 400 students.”
The headmaster will reportedly appear before a panel of education heads later today (17th February) to answer questions about the alleged bullying incident.
After the story was reported on by local media, the headmaster of a private school in the city offered the young victim a grant so that she could change schools.
It is unclear whether Lucero has switched schools yet and whether her alleged bully has been punished or expelled for her actions.
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