Moment Underground Blast Sets Fire To Busy Street

Story By: Gheorghi CaraseniSub Editor: Michael LeidigAgency: Newsflash

Credit: Newsflash/

This is the moment an explosion takes place in a roadside drain and sets fire to a busy street.

The incident was filmed on 11th May in the north-western Russian city of Saint Petersburg and the footage was later widely shared on social media.

In the video, smoke appears from a drain under the pavement before an explosion sends flames into the air.

Picture Credit: Newsflash/

As cars whizz by on the busy road, the drain still appears to be flaming for some time afterwards.

According to reports, the emergency services arrived on the scene minutes after the explosion was reported to the authorities and the fire was promptly extinguished.

Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident.

According to local media, there is a petrol station located close to where the blast took place, but firefighters ruled out any connection with the street blaze.

Picture Credit: Newsflash/

An investigation is currently underway.

Netizen ‘Sasha Filipov’ said: “I guess they had to urgently call the Ghostbusters?”

Social media user ‘Dmitry Lyatiev’ commented: “I knew something crazy like this was going to happen. First the coronavirus pandemic and now this…”

Picture Credit: Newsflash/

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