Miracle 3yo Girl Survives 130ft Fall From 10th Floor

Story By: John FengSub-Editor:  Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report   

Video Credit: AsiaWire / RM Hospital

This is the toddler who doctors say has made a “miraculous” recovery just one month after falling 130 feet from a 10th-floor window and breaking both arms and a leg.

The three-year-old girl from Wuhan, capital of Hubei Province in Central China, broke five bones and suffered compound fractures during the accident on the morning of 12th November.

But footage taken at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University on 16th December shows the tot now able to move all four limbs following her speedy recovery.

Picture Credit: AsiaWire / RM Hospital

The toddler had been left sleeping at home alone while her mum went out to run errands on the day of the accident.

The girl was nowhere to be found when the parent returned just 10 minutes later.

The mum said she heard commotion downstairs and looked down from her balcony to see a group of her neighbours standing in a circle on the grass below.

She ran downstairs to find her daughter face down on the ground. She flipped her over and saw blood coming from the girl’s eyes and ears, but she was crying and very much alive.

Doctors at the Remin Hospital performed emergency surgeon on the tot who remained in intensive care for two days before she was transferred to the general ward.

Doctor Fan Li said she broke both arms as well as her right leg, but she suffered no brain damage.

Surgeon Liu Yang said it was a “miracle” that the tot had survived a 10-storey fall from 130 feet and suffered no long-term effects from her injuries.

The girl is now able to move all her injured limbs, which remain in braces for the time being.

She is expected to be discharged later this week.

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