This is the eye-watering moment a 12-year-old boy was left impaled on a huge 12-inch splinter after using a wooden slide in Russia.

The boy, not named in local media in Karpinsk, Sverdlovsk region, had been using a slide set into a hillside and put up over the holiday season in a city square on 30th December.
Agonising photographs show the thick wedge of wood going through the bottom of his right buttock and emerging up near his hip.
Police have closed the slide and are now investigating the structure after reports that other children have been injured riding on it.
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Sverdlovsk prosecutor’s office said in a statement on 31s December: “In Karpinsk. The prosecutor’s office is conducting an investigation in connection with the injury of a minor child on the city slide.
“According to currently available information, on the evening of 30th December 2023. A 12-year-old boy, born in 2011, while staying on the square in Karpinsk, was injured while sliding down the hill.

“A fragment of wood from the slide structure tore through the child’s clothing, and as a result. The boy received an injury in the form of a laceration in the lower third of the body.
“The minor was hospitalised in a health care facility to provide the necessary medical care.”
The statement also said: “During the inspection, all the circumstances and causes of the incident will be established. The severity of the injury received, and compliance with the law when installing the slide structure will be assessed, including its safety.
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“In addition, compliance with legislation on the protection of the life and health of minors will be assessed.
“The prosecutor’s office of the city of Karpinsk submitted a presentation to the head of the Karpinsk urban district demanding that violations of the law be eliminated.
“Currently, the municipal administration has suspended the operation of the slide.”

Investigators said it was the second time in days that a child had been injured on the slide and that previously a five-year-old had suffered a head injury.
There have been no updates on the 12-year-old’s condition.