Police Seize Gang Who Stole EUR 200K Of Posh Prosciutto

Gang members behind the theft of 1,500 legs of posh prosciutto ham worth EUR 200,000 from a warehouse have been seized by police in Italy. https://filedn.eu/lhVNGNsizwl5t7THnzzJ2c8/Newest%20public/Newsflash-HemWort-01.mp4 The brazen crooks had needed three lorries to carry off their massive EUR 200,000 (GBP 170,000) haul from producers in Rivignano-Teor, in Udine province,…

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Climber Slipped Off Precipice Pulling Two Others With Him

A three-man mountain rescue team plunged 100 feet to their death when one fell from a cliff face dragging the other two with him on the rope during a training exercise in Italy. The climbers had been roped together for the practice drill near ​​Val Masino, Lombardy, on 29th May,…

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Club Wins Championship After Massive 43-1 Final Match

The Hungarian Under-14 League has come under scrutiny after a team who needed to win by 42 goals to secure the title won their final encounter 43-1. Kerekeghyazi SE, who was second in the league, needed to pull off the tremendous feat to come out on top, with the match…

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Controversy After Fat Man Goes Up Against Two Women In Romanian MMA Cage Brawl

This is the controversial MMA fight in Romania that saw one fat man go up against two women in a controversial cage brawl that has tongues in the country and in the mixed martial arts world wagging. https://filedn.eu/lhVNGNsizwl5t7THnzzJ2c8/Newest%20public/Newsflash-RomBrewl-01.mp4 The MMA event, broadcast on Romanian TV, caused a stir during the…

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Shrink Reveals Dad Needed Counselling After Unwittingly Buying Porn From Daughter

A shrink has revealed how a Norwegian dad needed counselling after discovering that the saucy OnlyFans content he had been buying actually showed his 23-year-old daughter. The icky revelation was made public by Norwegian therapist Tone Haldorsen who said that the incident had put a strain on the father-daughter relationship.…

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