Haunting Video Shows Boy, 9, And Proud Dad At His Birthday Seconds Before Both Are Shot Dead By Gunmen

This is the joyous moment a nine-year-old football fan is seen with his birthday cake and later with his dad shortly before armed gunmen burst in and kill both of them as well as his female cousin. https://filedn.eu/lhVNGNsizwl5t7THnzzJ2c8/Newest%20public/Newsflash-FootyPerty-04.mp4 Birthday boy Heitor Felipe Moreira de Oliveira, 9, died in a hail…

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Read more about the article Neurosurgeons Remove Shell Fragment From Boy’s Brain
Photo shows Mykhailo Volovykov, 9, from Kherson, Ukraine, undated. He received a severe head wound during mortar shelling of the city. (Saint Nicholas Children's Hospital/Newsflash)

Neurosurgeons Remove Shell Fragment From Boy’s Brain

Neurosurgeons have removed a shell fragment from the brain of a nine-year-old boy in Ukraine who was injured on New Year's Eve by Russian mortar fire that killed his 11-year-old friend on the spot. Photo shows Mykhailo Volovykov, 9, from Kherson, Ukraine, undated. He received a severe head wound during…

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Read more about the article After Fighting Off Cancer Seven Times Boy Faces Trial Therapy
Nathanael, 13, poses in undated photo. The boy from the town of Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony State, Germany, suffers from a malignant brain tumor. (Newsflash)

After Fighting Off Cancer Seven Times Boy Faces Trial Therapy

The family of a teenage boy, who has fought off cancer seven times in a decade has told how they're pinning their hopes on a radical new treatment to kill off tumours. Nathanael, 13, poses in undated photo. The boy from the town of Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony State, Germany, suffers…

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Read more about the article Boy Wrenched From Clay Pit That Swallowed Him Whole
Rescuers pull out a boy, 8, from clay near lake in Kalinkavichy, Belarus on Sunday, Feb. 18, 2024. The boy played with a friend on the shore and got stuck. (@mchs112by/Newsflash)

Boy Wrenched From Clay Pit That Swallowed Him Whole

This is the miracle moment an eight-year-old boy is wrenched from the deadly grip of a clay pit that was swallowing him whole. https://filedn.eu/lhVNGNsizwl5t7THnzzJ2c8/New%20public/Newsflash-BoyClay-01%20%283%29.mp4 The rescue, filmed by firefighters in the city of Kalinkovichi, in the Gomel Region of Belarus, began when passers-by spotted the boy being sucked down into…

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Read more about the article Teen Leaps From Fifth-Storey Window And Double Somersaults Into Snowdrift
Picture shows a boy after jump out of a 5th floor window in a snowdrift in Megion, Russia, undated. He was not injured. (CEN)

Teen Leaps From Fifth-Storey Window And Double Somersaults Into Snowdrift

This is the head-over-heels moment a teenager leaps out of a fifth-storey window to double flip 75 feet into a snowdrift below. https://filedn.eu/lhVNGNsizwl5t7THnzzJ2c8/New%20public/CEN-TeenagerJumpedSnow-01.mp4 The footage, filmed in Megion, in Russia's Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug region. Begins with the boy poised on the window ledge at an apartment block with thick snow…

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