This is the moment a woman went vegetarian after finding a large hypodermic needle surrounded by yellow fluid in a joint of meat she was filleting.
She captured the shocking discovery on video when her knife hit the needle as she cut up the pork in her kitchen in Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province, China.
Footage from the video – shared on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok – shows her pulling apart the meat to see a thick hypodermic needle embedded in the pork.
One end seems to be surrounded by a thick, yellow-green substance which appears to have leaked from the needle.

She told local media that she was so disgusted that she had been unable to eat any meat and lived on vegetables only.
She said: “As I was slicing, I hit something hard and then I found the needle in the meat.
“And there was some yellow stains from a liquid near the end which made me sick.”
She shared the videos with the caption: ‘No wonder pork is so cheap’.

Netizen ” commented: “The needle was broken when the pig was given an injection. The pig also suffered because the wound festered.”