The bodies of this little three-year-old boy still holding the hand of his sister have been pulled from the bottom of a lake after they drowned together with three members of their family.
In total, five family members drowned at the lake at a Turkish dam when the three-year-old birthday boy fell into the water, and the others jumped in to save him.
The incident took place at Derinoz Dam near the city of Amasya in the northern Turkish province of the same name on 18th July.

The lifeless bodies of Levent Cenik, 3, and his sister Havvanur Cenik, 9, were dragged out of the water after being found still holding holds, according to the rescuers.
Toddler Levent, who was celebrating his third birthday, fell into the water while out with his family.
His sister, grandmother Sultan, 50, uncle Emrullah, 19, and aunt Elif Semiz, 28, all followed him into the water to try to save him, but all tragically drowned.

Amasya Fire Brigade director Selim Keles said: “We found Elif Semiz three metres from the place where the incident took place, and the grandmother, Sultan Cenik, at the point towards the dam walls. After a while, the children were found at a depth of 10 metres. Two of the children were side by side and were taken out holding hands.
“We experienced this incident and we are devastated as a team. We found the uncle about six meters away.”
The children’s parents, father Beytullah Cenik and mother Gullu Cenik, were inconsolable at the news and barely able to stand at the family funeral the following day, according to Haberler.

The five bodies were buried in the family cemetery after a prayer service.
It is unclear if the local authorities are investigating the incident.