Read more about the article Hands Reach Out From Rubble As 88 Hurt In Pub Collapse
Pic Shows: Rescue operations ongoing at the collapsed bar; CHINA: Two people died and more than 80 were injured when the roof of a crowded terrace bar collapsed on them.

Hands Reach Out From Rubble As 88 Hurt In Pub Collapse

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment rescue workers reach out to grab hands poking out from underneath the rubble after a terrace bar roof collapsed killing two and injuring 88. The accident happened at the ‘0776’ rooftop bar above The Mixc shopping centre in Baise’s…

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Read more about the article Girl Survives 5th-Floor Drop After Landing On Shop Sign
Pic Shows: The girl being rescued from inside the shop sign; CHINA: A young girl clinging to the outside of a 5th-floor window has survived a near-fatal plunge towards the ground after landing inside a shop sign light box.

Girl Survives 5th-Floor Drop After Landing On Shop Sign

Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire A young girl who fell from a 5th-floor window has survived the near-fatal plunge to the ground after landing inside a shop sign light box. The tot, who is believed to be around two to three years old, is seen in grainy CCTV…

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Read more about the article Noodle Restaurant Explodes Like Bomb Next To Busy Road
Pic Shows: A vehicle damaged by debris during the blast; CHINA: This is the moment a gas leak at a noodle restaurant causes a massive explosion that spews a cloud of dust and debris onto a busy road.

Noodle Restaurant Explodes Like Bomb Next To Busy Road

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a gas leak at a noodle restaurant causes a massive explosion that spews a cloud of dust and debris onto a busy road. The blast was captured by a traffic camera in Yantai’s Fushan District in East China’s Shandong…

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Read more about the article Half Of SUV Flattened By Overturning Lorry
Pic Shows: The aftermath of the accident; CHINA: This is the moment a lorry fully loaded with gravel overturns on an SUV at a crossroads and flattens half of the vehicle in the process.

Half Of SUV Flattened By Overturning Lorry

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a lorry fully loaded with gravel overturns on an SUV at a crossroads and flattens half of the vehicle in the process. The fatal accident, which left one dead and another injured, happened at the junction of Lixin Avenue…

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Read more about the article Tot Stolen From Unconscious Mum Returned By Kid Snatcher
Pic shows: The infant found alive and healthy. CHINA: A four-month-old infant who was kidnapped from his pushchair after his mum fainted from low blood pressure has been returned by his abductor.

Tot Stolen From Unconscious Mum Returned By Kid Snatcher

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This four-month-old infant who was kidnapped from his pushchair after his mum fainted from low blood pressure has been returned by his abductor. The boy’s disappearance from Zhoukou in Central China’s Henan Province led to a city-wide search by police and volunteers starting…

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