Read more about the article Official Sues Boy She Drove Into For Scratches On SUV
Pic Shows: The boy who was hit by a car; This former Russian official has sued the family of a 12-year-old boy she hospitalised after crashing into him on his bike for scratching her SUV in the accident and the family now have to pay her 1,300 GBP in damages.

Official Sues Boy She Drove Into For Scratches On SUV

This former Russian road safety official has sued a 12-year-old boy she left in hospital after she hit him on his bike and he scratched her Volkswagen SUV. The boy's family now have to pay over 1,300 GBP in damages to the woman after a Russian court sided with her.…

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Read more about the article Dumped Dog Without Legs Fitted With Wheels In New Home
Pic Shows: Tatty's first attempts to walk with a wheelchair; A dog that was abandoned by its owners after it was run over by a car and needed its legs amputated now has a new family and has been fitted with a snazzy set of wheels to help it get around.

Dumped Dog Without Legs Fitted With Wheels In New Home

CEN/@zoozahita A dog that was abandoned by its owners after it was run over by a car and needed its legs amputated now has a new family and has been fitted with a snazzy set of wheels to help it get around. The dog was struck by a car in…

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Read more about the article Russia Doc Shows Prep For Meeting COVID-19 Patients
Pic Shows: Doc Shows Preparation For A Days Work As He Gets Dressed; This is the moment a doctor fighting coronavirus shows the levels of protection health professionals are forced to use when treating COVID-19 patients.

Russia Doc Shows Prep For Meeting COVID-19 Patients CEN/LADAKZ This is the moment a doctor fighting coronavirus shows the levels of protection health professionals need to adopt when treating COVID-19 patients. The video was shared by Maulen Zhumadillaev, a doctor from an infectious diseases hospital in the city of Aktau in south-western Kazakhstan, to show some of…

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Read more about the article Terminator Choppers And Tanks Used In Russian War Games
Pic Shows: "Terminators" struck the enemy's armored vehicles in the Amur region; This is the moment the Russian Armed Forces take part in trench warfare exercises in a barren landscape with the use of Terminator helicopters and tank formations.

Terminator Choppers And Tanks Used In Russian War Games CEN/ Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation This is the moment the Russian Armed Forces take part in trench warfare exercises in a barren landscape with the use of Terminator helicopters and tank formations. During the exercises in the south-eastern Russian region of Amur Oblast, over 150 different…

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Read more about the article Russians Break Lockdown Rules To Hold Car Park Party
Pic Shows: Musicians arranged a concert in the courtyard of the house; This is the moment a group of Russian residents break COVID-19 lockdown rules to stage a party in the car park for their neighbours.

Russians Break Lockdown Rules To Hold Car Park Party

Newsflash/@38nsk This is the moment a group of Russian entertainers break COVID-19 lockdown rules to stage a car park party with loud music and microphones. The incident was filmed in the city of Nizhneudinsk in the southern Russian region of Irkutsk Oblast when a group of locals decided to leave…

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