Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
A dog that was abandoned by its owners after it was run over by a car and needed its legs amputated now has a new family and has been fitted with a snazzy set of wheels to help it get around.
The dog was struck by a car in the city of Yekaterinburg in the western Russian region of Sverdlovsk Oblast in early March.
According to local media, its owners refused to take care of the dog and wanted to put it down, however a local animal shelter accepted the injured animal.
‘ZooProtection’ shelter staff named the dog Tatti and raised money for the surgery it needed.
They managed to save the pooch’s life, but had to amputate its crushed hind legs.
Shelter spokeswoman Anna Weiman said that a resident named Alexander paid for the dog’s ‘wheelchair’ and that Tatti is still getting used to the apparatus.
She said: “We also found a new owner for the dog, her name is Svetlana. Despite the fact she is 60 years old, the woman is very active and she loves animals.”
The unnamed woman lives in a large house with gardens so Tatti has enough free space to move around and get used to its new set of wheels.
Anna said: “Tatti weighs around 27 kilogrammes (60 lbs) and it is hard to put her in the wheelchair if someone is on their own, but Svetlana’s children and grandchildren visit her a lot and there is also another shelter nearby that could help.”
She also said that Tatti felt right at home with Svetlana and is already starting to eat well and use its wheels to move around her property.