THREESOME HORROR: Jealous Boyfriend Batters Girl To Death After Three-Way Romp With Slave

A man accused of bludgeoning his girlfriend to death in an hour-long attack during a threesome with a male slave has been seized by police in Brazil.

Suspect Diego M. Resende, 32, reportedly flew into a jealous rage in the middle of the session with 23-year-old victim Gilmara Ferreira and the other man.

Using a piece of wood as a club, he allegedly battered her mercilessly until she was dead at the home in Patos de Minas, a municipality in the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil, in the early hours of 15th October.

Suspect Diego M. Resende, 32, and victim Gilmara Ferreira, 23, pose in undated photo. He bludgeoned her to death with a piece of wood during a threesome, in which he had agreed to participate in Patos de Minas, on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2022. (Newsflash)

Police were tipped off when the other man – who said he was being held against his will by the couple – escaped and called for help.

When police arrived, they reportedly found Resende outside the building and his victim’s body wrapped in plastic bags sealed with adhesive tape.

The suspect was immediately taken into custody.

The victim Gilmara Ferreira, 23, poses in undated photo. Suspect Diego M. Resende, 32, bludgeoned her to death with a piece of wood during a threesome, in which he had agreed to participate in Patos de Minas, on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2022. (Newsflash)

Police said he intended to hide the body.

Gilmara’s body has been sent to a morgue for autopsy and will later be released to her family to be buried.