Story By: Anastasia Smirnova, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
A boarding school for disabled kids that had its only car stolen now has two vehicles after a local politician gave them a new one – and then the crook who stole it gave it back and even fixed the broken lock.
The incident took place in the village of Troitskoye in south-western Russia’s Republic of Ingushetia region where the car which was mostly used to transport the disabled children from the hospital to the boarding school they live in was stolen.
The car had been with the school’s headmaster Khamzat Malsagov because the normal driver was on sick leave and local media then reported on the theft.
Six days later Khamzat’s brother received a note including information about the car’s location.
The vehicle was eventually discovered by the railway station in the town of Narzan in the Republic of Ingushetia.
The car keys were reportedly inside the car and the thieves had repaired the lock they had destroyed when they stole it.
The school now has two cars as an unnamed local deputy decided to help the school out and gifted them a new car in the meantime.
Netizen ‘Andrei’ said: “It is the first time I’ve heard that people who stole someone’s car can be actually nice.”
And a guest user of a local Internet forum said: “This is what good media attention can bring.”
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