Read more about the article Two Doctors Rape Dates After Spiking Drinks With Drugs
Pic Shows: Hisaaki Obayashi; JAPAN: Two doctors have been arrested for raping their two dates after spiking the women with prescription sleeping pills.

Two Doctors Rape Dates After Spiking Drinks With Drugs

Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Two Japanese doctors have been arrested for raping their dates after spiking the women's drinks with powerful sleeping pills only available to medical professionals. The two doctors, named in reports as Masataka Kaneko, 28, a doctor of internal medicine, and Hisaaki Obayashi, 26, a trainee…

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Read more about the article Women Clobber 15 Puppies To Death With Pole
Pic Shows: The puppies were found outside the Neel Ratan Sircar Medical College in Kolkata; INDIA: This is the shocking moment two women beat to death a small dog with a pole as it screams terribly and they reportedly killed 16 dogs in the same manner.

Women Clobber 15 Puppies To Death With Pole

Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the shocking moment two women suspected of beating a total of 15 puppies to death with a pole are filmed killing one of them as it howls in pain. According…

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Read more about the article Reversing Driver Wipes Out Pedestrians On Crossing
Pic shows: This is the moment a driver reversing away from a crossroads after running a red light accidentally slams into two pedestrians crossing the street behind him. The clueless motorist from the city of Changchun, capital of north-eastern China’s Jilin Province, unwittingly sped through the junction but stopped in the centre after realising he had ignored the traffic lights. According to reports, he then began reversing his car, presumably to avoid any traffic fines that might come his way, and he was filmed by a nearby female driver as he tried to stop behind the zebra crossing as he should have done in the first place. However, the motorist fails to notice the two women walking on the zebra crossing directly behind him, and the video shows his Infiniti Q50 crashing into the back of the victims. Both women are sent flying into the street as the short clip ends. Reports said the incident happened at the crossroads of Guigu Street and Feiyu Road. Authorities have refused to release details about the persons involved but said they were currently investigating the accident. The two pedestrians are not believed to have been seriously injured.

Reversing Driver Wipes Out Pedestrians On Crossing

Story By: Scott Feng, Sub-Editor: Jamie King, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a driver reversing away from a crossroads after running a red light accidentally slams into two pedestrians crossing the street behind him. The clueless motorist from the city of Changchun, capital of…

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3 Fired For Vid Of Man That Fed Womens Hearts To Dogs

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN Two cops and a prosecutor have been fired for leaking a video of the interrogation of the suspected serial killer who admitted feeding his victims’ hearts to dogs and who when he was caught was pushing a…

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