Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report
Two Japanese doctors have been arrested for raping their dates after spiking the women’s drinks with powerful sleeping pills only available to medical professionals.
The two doctors, named in reports as Masataka Kaneko, 28, a doctor of internal medicine, and Hisaaki Obayashi, 26, a trainee doctor at the Showa University Hospital in the Japanese capital Tokyo where Kaneko also works.
Local media report the pair met two women, both in the twenties, for dinner before heading to a karaoke bar close to the JR Meguro railway station.
Pictures Credit: AsiaWire
The group are said to have been at the bar until the early hours when women claim they lost consciousness.
Reports state the two doctors then got the women into a taxi and drove to Kaneko’s flat where they had non-consensual sex.
One of the women reportedly said: “They forced me to drink. I lost consciousness at the karaoke bar and woke up at the man’s flat.”
The two women reported the case to the police and an investigation was launched. Investigators found that both women had traces of a sleeping drug which is not commercially available in their blood, according to reports.
Both doctors have been arrested and reports state Obayashi, confessed to sexually assaulting one of the women while she was “inebriated”.
Kaneko is said to have denied sexual assault, claiming he had consensual sex with one of the women.
Local media state the police have found CCTV footage which shows the women needing assistance just to be able to walk on the night in question.
The investigation is ongoing and cops are working to find out where the sleeping drug was sourced from.
It is unclear if the suspects have been charged.