Read more about the article Brit Influencer Claims Turkish Dentist Botched Teeth And Threw Her Out Midway For Dinner
Sule Akpinar Cooper who became the victim of improper treatment after coming to Turkey for dental aesthetics. (@sule.akpinarcooper/Newsflash)

Brit Influencer Claims Turkish Dentist Botched Teeth And Threw Her Out Midway For Dinner

A British influencer who travelled to Turkey to get her teeth done has claimed that the dentist damaged her teeth before asking her to leave in the middle of the procedure because his team wanted dinner. Longing for a perfect smile, fashion influencer Sule Akpinar Cooper, 45, contacted the Turkish…

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Read more about the article Saudi Woman Accidentally Swallows Toothbrush While Cleaning Teeth
The toothbrush that the woman swallowed. (Alnoor Specialist Hospital/Newsflash)

Saudi Woman Accidentally Swallows Toothbrush While Cleaning Teeth

A Saudi woman, aged 20, has had her toothbrush in her stomach removed after swallowing it while brushing her teeth. The unnamed patient was administered to the Al Noor Specialist Hospital located in An Naseem in the city of Mecca in the Saudi Arabian province of the same name. The…

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Read more about the article Netizens Amazed By Fish With Human Teeth
Pics Shows: Fish of the family Balistidae with human-like features viral on social medias; This is the bizarre fish with human-like teeth which has become an online sensation after being caught in Malayisa.

Netizens Amazed By Fish With Human Teeth

This is the bizarre fish with human-like teeth which has become an online sensation after being caught in Malaysia. The startling catch was reportedly made in Malaysia and the images of small fish have been widely shared on social media, receiving over 8,000 retweets and 14,000 likes on Twitter. The…

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Read more about the article 5yo Boy Has Teeth and Hair Removed From Brain
Pic Shows: Teeth and hair found inside a teratoma removed from the 5-year-old's brain; These are the teeth and hair found inside a rare tumour cut from a young boy’s brain.

5yo Boy Has Teeth and Hair Removed From Brain

These are the teeth and hair strands found inside a rare tumour cut from a young boy’s brain. The five-year-old from China’s central province of Hunan suffered from chronic migraines and was misdiagnosed with the common cold before medics discovered the mass of body tissue known as a teratoma. The…

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Read more about the article 10000yo Great White Shark Teeth Identified
Picture Credit: CEN/Museo Ciencias Naturales Miramar

10000yo Great White Shark Teeth Identified

Video Credit: CEN/Museo Ciencias Naturales Miramar These teeth of great white sharks which stalked the world’s oceans 10,000 years ago have been identified years after their discovery. Scientists of the Natural Sciences Museum of Miramar and the Foundation Azara have identified the remains of great white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) -…

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