Read more about the article Serial Killer Ate Street Kids’ Body Parts
Photo shows suspected serial killer Thandolwenkosi Ndlovu, undated. He denies consuming human flesh in Harare Zimbabwe. (Newsflash)

Serial Killer Ate Street Kids’ Body Parts

A suspected serial killer has confessed to killing and eating homeless street children whose skulls he crushed with bricks as they slept. Photo shows suspected serial killer Thandolwenkosi Ndlovu, undated. He denies consuming human flesh in Harare Zimbabwe. (Newsflash) Thandolwenkosi Ndlovu, aged 20, who has been connected to at least…

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Read more about the article  Second Home Of Serial Killer Marc Dutroux Demolished
Pic Shows: Marc Dutroux, 62, in prison, walking in the courtyard; The infamous Belgian paedophile and serial killer Marc Dutroux who is in prison for life but who could be released soon after a psychological evaluation has seen his bid for freedom delayed because experts need more time to assess him.

 Second Home Of Serial Killer Marc Dutroux Demolished

Authorities in Belgium have begun demolishing another home of notorious serial killer Marc Dutroux, who kidnapped and murdered several young girls in the 1990s. Pic Shows: Marc Dutroux, 62, in prison, walking in the courtyard; The infamous Belgian paedophile and serial killer Marc Dutroux who is in prison for life…

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Read more about the article Pics Emerge Of Cannibal Serial Killer Assassinated By Hooded Gunmen
Brazillian serial killer Pedro Rodrigues Filho known as 'Pedrinho Matador', who confessed that he killed his father and ate his heart. (Newsflash)

Pics Emerge Of Cannibal Serial Killer Assassinated By Hooded Gunmen

Grim images have emerged showing the bloody corpse of a cannibal serial killer who ate his own father's heart after he was gunned down in front of his home in Brazil. Brazillian serial killer Pedro Rodrigues Filho known as 'Pedrinho Matador', who confessed that he killed his father and ate…

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Read more about the article SORRY SERVICE: Reality Show Star Who Aborted 11 Babies Is Branded Serial Killer
South African Zodwa Wabantu poses in undated photo. She has been criticized by fans after she confessed to having 11 abortions over the years on an episode of her reality TV show Zodwa Wabantu: Uncensored, on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022. (@zodwalibram/Newsflash)

SORRY SERVICE: Reality Show Star Who Aborted 11 Babies Is Branded Serial Killer

(starts) A reality TV star has sparked outrage after revealing that she is trying to make peace with the souls of 11 babies she has had aborted. Entertainer Zodwa Wabantu, 36, has a huge fanbase across southern Africa and online. But her latest revelation on her show 'Zodwa Wabantu: Uncensored'…

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Read more about the article HOUSE OF HORROR: Serial Killer’s Home Demolished To Become Garden Of Heaven
Pic Shows: Marc Dutroux after his arrest; The infamous Belgian paedophile and serial killer Marc Dutroux who is in prison for life but who could be released soon after a psychological evaluation has seen his bid for freedom delayed because experts need more time to assess him.

HOUSE OF HORROR: Serial Killer’s Home Demolished To Become Garden Of Heaven

Paedophile serial killer Marc Dutroux's house of horrors is to be demolished and turned into a memorial garden dedicated to his victims. Evil Dutroux, 65, is serving life behind bars for the kidnap, torture and sexual abuse of six girls aged between eight and 19. Four of his victims died,…

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