Read more about the article Touching Photo Of Crying Boy Looking For Missing Pooch
Pic Shows: The boy Jonathan who lost his pet; This image of a seven-year-old boy in floods as tears as he holds a missing sign for his pet pooch has touched the hearts of netizens.

Touching Photo Of Crying Boy Looking For Missing Pooch

This image of a seven-year-old boy in floods as tears as he holds a missing sign for his pet pooch has touched the hearts of netizens. The boy named Jonathan, 7, lost his pet dog Ryder in a neighbourhood known as Los Magueyes in the state of San Luis Potosi…

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Read more about the article COVID-19 Hotel 22 Missing As New Footage Emerges
Pic Shows: Firefighters at the site of the Xinjia Hotel collapse carry a boy from the rubble; This is the moment a six-storey coronavirus quarantine hotel in China collapses with 80 people inside, including 58 confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients.

COVID-19 Hotel 22 Missing As New Footage Emerges

AsiaWire This is the moment a six-storey coronavirus quarantine hotel in China collapses with 80 people inside, including 58 confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients. Authorities in the city of Quanzhou in East China’s Fujian Province say they have pulled 49 people from the rubble of Xinjia Hotel, but 10 were…

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Read more about the article 7 Dead And 16 Missing As Riverboat Sinks In Amazon Storm
Pic Shows: The boat Anna Karoline 3; Seven people have died and 16 are still missing after this passenger boat sank in the Amazon.

7 Dead And 16 Missing As Riverboat Sinks In Amazon Storm

Seven people have died and 16 are still missing after this riverboat sank in the Amazon in a storm. The boat Anna Karoline III left the Santana port on Friday evening and was travelling on the river Jari, one of the Amazon’s tributaries that flows through the state of Amapa…

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Read more about the article Dead Young Girl In Bushes Was Raped Before Being Killed
Picture Credit: CEN

Dead Young Girl In Bushes Was Raped Before Being Killed

WARNING: GRAPHIC AND DISTRESSING CONTENT Picture Credit: CEN The rape and murder of this young girl in Pakistan has shocked the country after she went missing at the weekend. The child, identified only as 'Madiha', was found yesterday (Sunday) just a day after she vanished on Saturday afternoon at her…

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Read more about the article Mum Arrested For Throwing Newborn Baby In The Bin
Picture Credit: CEN

Mum Arrested For Throwing Newborn Baby In The Bin

A mother has been arrested after hospital officials discovered her baby was missing and when they questioned her, she said she had thrown it in the bin. The mother, whose name and age have not been revealed, reportedly gave birth at the General Hospital Rio Carrion in the city of…

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