Read more about the article Machete Clan Pelt Neighbours Who Changed Wi-Fi Password
Pic Shows: The people fighting over the wi-fi connection; COLOMBIA: This is the bizarre moment a woman with a huge machete and her family hurl stones at a neighbour’s house after they changed the password on their shared wi-fi network.

Machete Clan Pelt Neighbours Who Changed Wi-Fi Password

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: CEN Video Credit: CEN This is the moment a woman with a huge machete and her family hurl stones at a neighbour’s house after they changed the password on their shared Wi-Fi network. The startling incident occurred in the Oasis neighbourhood of the city of Santa Marta, in the…

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Read more about the article Brave Wife Chases Off Machete Yob Hacking Hubby
Pic Shows: This is the moment a couple gets attacked outside a restaurant after allegedly asking a man to put out his cigarette; MALAYSIA: This is the moment a brave wife chases off a machete-wielding thug in a motorcycle helmet slashing at her husband.

Brave Wife Chases Off Machete Yob Hacking Hubby

Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire/@HilmiAdi This is the moment a brave wife chases off a machete-wielding thug in a motorcycle helmet after he sprints out of nowhere and starts hacking at her helpless hubby. The incident occurred in the city of Ipoh located in the state of Perak…

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Read more about the article Gutsy Brawler Takes On Machete Man Outside Supermarket
Pic shows: The moment a fight erupts between two men in front of a supermarket in the Melchor Romero municipality of La Plata department in Argentina and one of the man attacks the other with a machete. ARGENTINA: This is the shocking moment an unarmed brawler takes on a machete-wielding man outside a supermarket and is slashed several times.

Gutsy Brawler Takes On Machete Man Outside Supermarket

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN This is the shocking moment an unarmed brawler takes on a machete-wielding man outside a supermarket and is slashed several times. According to local media, the fight was between the 32-year-old machete wielder, whose name…

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Read more about the article Intruder Hacks Baby And 4yo Girl To Death With Machete
Pic Shows: The two siblings were found in a pool of blood; MALAYSIA: A man murdered two children on Tuesday night right in their bed

Intruder Hacks Baby And 4yo Girl To Death With Machete

Story By: Simon Glover, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Police have arrested a man for forcing his way into a neighbour's house while they were sleeping and hacking a 12-month-old baby boy and a four-year-old girl to death with a machete. The 49-year-old man first attacked a man,…

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Read more about the article Satanist Faces Death Penalty For Hacking Wife To Death
Pic Shows: Pavel Pronchenko; A Satanist is facing the prospect of the death penalty after he was arrested for hacking his wife to death with a machete for allegedly having an affair. Pavel Pronchenko, 38, allegedly killed his wife Olga, 33, by hacking at her repeatedly in the head and stomach with the weapon after accusing her of having an affair. Her body was found the following day at their home in the village of Chahckovo in the Minsk region of Belarussia, the only country in Europe that still carries out executions for murder. Cops say long-haired Pronchenko, an artist with a fascination for all things Satanic and who specialises in satanic-ritual themed paintings, accused his yoga instructor wife of having an affair with a mutual friend. She denied the accusations but he allegedly went berserk and grabbed the machete, hitting her numerous times. Cops discovered her body lying in a pool of her own blood after Pronchenko later confessed by text message to a friend who called the police. Pronchenko was arrested and faces a murder charge. If convicted, he faces up to 25 years in prison or the death penalty. Police spokeswoman Tatiana Belonog said: "There was a quarrel which resulted in the man wounding his wife. The next day he texted his acquaintance who called the police. We are examining the machete and other evidence." The couple had two children, a boy and a girl, who have been taken into care. They will reportedly be sent to a boarding school. Netizen 'Anton' commented: "Stupid imbecile, he left his children orphans", while 'Nick' said: "I heard that inmates like long-haired painters in a certain way." Belarus, which is regarded as Europe's last dictatorship, is the only country on the continent to still use the death penalty. Executions are carried out by a shot in the back of the head. More than 300 people are thought to have been killed since Belarus became an independent country in 1991.

Satanist Faces Death Penalty For Hacking Wife To Death

Story By: Sergey Panashchuk, Sub-Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Central European News A Satanist is facing the prospect of the death penalty after he was arrested for hacking his wife to death with a machete for allegedly having an affair. Pavel Pronchenko, 38, allegedly killed his wife Olga, 33, by hacking…

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