Read more about the article Mutilated Dog With Severed Paws Saves Freezing Puppies
Pic Shows: A dog with severed paws sheltered other dog's puppies; A dog who had all of her paws chopped off by thugs has saved tiny puppies found on the verge of death in the Ukraine by warming them up with her body.

Mutilated Dog With Severed Paws Saves Freezing Puppies

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  A dog who had all of her paws chopped off by thugs has saved tiny puppies found on the verge of death in the Ukraine by warming them up with her body. Animal rescue official said that they had found 11 puppies of which…

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Read more about the article Dog Survives Being Shot In Mouth Twice
Pic shows: WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Stray Dog Almost Killed After Being Shot In The Mouth. This is the moment a poor stray dog manages to eat some blended food after being shot in the mouth by a sick thug twice and left for dead in a city centre.

Dog Survives Being Shot In Mouth Twice

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/@HelpLabus This is the moment a stray dog manages to eat some blended food after being shot twice in the mouth and left for dead in a busy city centre. The incident took place in the city of Targu Bujor in the…

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Read more about the article Dog Bonfires Set Landfill Site On Fire Say Locals
Pic shows: The smoke from the burning dogs seen in from a distance. Council officials in Russia have been accused of shooting stray animals and burning the dead bodies along with old tyres in broad daylight near schools and residential areas.

Dog Bonfires Set Landfill Site On Fire Say Locals

Story By: Anastasia Smirnova, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder,Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/ Bungling council officials who are said to have killed stray dogs and burned their bodies are accused of starting a blaze that set an entire landfill site alight. These pictures were even posted online showing the dogs in a huge pile…

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Read more about the article Kind Cyclist Rides To Town With Sick Dog On Back
Pic shows: The cyclist riding with the dog over his shoulders. This is the moment a kindhearted cyclist carries a dog across his back after finding the poor animal abandoned and severely dehydrated in the middle of the road.

Kind Cyclist Rides To Town With Sick Dog On Back

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/Marican Team This is the moment a cyclist in racing gear carries a dog on his back after finding the poor animal abandoned and severely dehydrated in the middle of the road. The incident was filmed in the southern Argentine province…

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Read more about the article Cheap Euthanasia On Dog Involved Bashing Its Head In
Pic Shows: A black Labrador was hit by a blunt object on the head but fortunately survived; This poor black Labrador was found by passersby in the woods with a gaping head wound caused by a blunt instrument after its owners gave it to a man to euthanise at the vets.

Cheap Euthanasia On Dog Involved Bashing Its Head In

Story By:  Ana Marjanovic, Sub-Editor:  Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  This black Labrador was found by passersby in the woods with a gaping head wound caused by a blunt instrument after its owners claimed they sent it to a vet to have it euthanised. The incident took place outside the northern Croatian capital Zagreb when…

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