Read more about the article PAW THING: Table Collapses As Heavy Dog Gets A Shave
Heavy dog smashes table while being shaved on it in Jiaozuo, China. (18335511/AsiaWire )

PAW THING: Table Collapses As Heavy Dog Gets A Shave

This is the moment a massive Alaskan Malamute is left spread-eagled on the floor after a table collapsed when it was getting a shave. The huge Malamute is the heaviest of the sledge dogs which was built for size and strength and endurance, so that it could pull heavy sledges.…

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CASTAWAY: Missing Dog Scared By Fireworks Found After It Swam To Remote Island Four Months Ago

A pet dog who disappeared after being frightened by New Year's Eve fireworks has been found by a fisherman after she apparently jumped in the water and carried on swimming until she reached a remote island almost three miles away. Mel the pooch fled from her home, where she had…

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Read more about the article PUP IDOL: Adoring Pet Dog Walks Five Miles Beside Owner In Ambulance
A dog follows the owner to hospital and waits for him to be have treatment and be discharged, walks home with the transport in Mineiros, Brazil, in April, 2022. (@drigorpaiva/Newsflash)

PUP IDOL: Adoring Pet Dog Walks Five Miles Beside Owner In Ambulance

A loyal pooch proved he really is man's best friend when he walked five miles beside an ambulance when his owner came home from hospital. The German shepherd had accompanied his wheelchair-using owner to a clinic in Mineiros, in the Brazilian state of Goias, on 28th April, after the man…

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Read more about the article GRAN DEATH FIDO: 71-Year-Old Woman Shot Neighbour Dead Over Barking Dog
Luigi Casati, 64, and Monica Leoni, 58, shot by Silvana Erzemberger, 71, on 28th April, in Treviglio, Italy. (CEN)

GRAN DEATH FIDO: 71-Year-Old Woman Shot Neighbour Dead Over Barking Dog

A 71-year-old woman shot her neighbour dead in a row about the noise of his barking dog before turning the gun on his wife. Accused Silvana Erzembergher is said to have put three bullets in the chest of victim Luigi Casati, 62, outside their apartment block in Treviglio, northern Italy.…

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Read more about the article CHANCES WITH WOLVES: Daredevil Chases Off Wolf When It Tries To Eat His Dog
Turgay Eraslan, saves his dog from getting attacked by a wolf by scaring the wolf with a stick in the district of Posof in Ardahan, Turkey, on 12th April 2022. (Newsflash)

CHANCES WITH WOLVES: Daredevil Chases Off Wolf When It Tries To Eat His Dog

A fearless dog lover chased off a marauding wolf when it tried to eat his pet pooch after a terrifying attack outside the family home. Heroic owner Turgay Eraslan is seen in security CCTV footage dashing out armed only with a pitchfork to see off the rampant raider. The wolf…

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