Read more about the article Chinese Student Ties Cat With Rope And Beats It With Belt
Student beats cat in Xi'an, China. (AsiaWire)

Chinese Student Ties Cat With Rope And Beats It With Belt

This is the moment a Chinese student hits a cat with a belt after trapping the animal and tying it up with rope. The incident took place at the Xi'an Vocational and Technical College, located in the city of Xi'an in the Chinese province of Shaanxi. After the video was…

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Read more about the article Prominent Chinese Economist Slams Education Reform After Son Commits Suicide
The father of a 12-year-old boy (pictured) who reportedly committed suicide in Longgang, China, criticised the recent education for putting too much pressure on children. (Song Qinghui/AsiaWire)

Prominent Chinese Economist Slams Education Reform After Son Commits Suicide

A prominent Chinese businessman has questioned the efficacy of the country’s recent academic reforms after his 12-year-old son committed suicide. Grieving father Song Qinghui says his son Song Haoran had an ever-heavier workload, endless tests and inadequate psychological support at his school. He wrote in an online post: “In the…

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Read more about the article Funny Moment Cat Performs Sit Ups In Chinese Gym
Cat does sit-ups in a gym in Jining, China. (590041411/AsiaWire)

Funny Moment Cat Performs Sit Ups In Chinese Gym

This is the funny moment a cat performs sit-ups in a gym to apparently work off some extra weight around its midriff. The cute scene was filmed by the cat owner, name not reported, in the city of Jining in the Chinese province of Shandong, and the footage was widely…

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Read more about the article Chinese Woman Driver Mixes Pedals In New Car And Crashes Into Bar Before Overturning
Driver presses accelerator by mistake and hits the stairs at the entrance of a milk tea shop in Nantou, China, on 27th November 2021. (AsiaWire)

Chinese Woman Driver Mixes Pedals In New Car And Crashes Into Bar Before Overturning

This is the moment a Chinese woman driver mixes the pedals in her brand new car and slams into a bar terrace before overturning in the road. The incident took place on Jianshe Road in the town of Nantou located in Zhongshan City in the south-eastern Chinese province of Guangdong…

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Read more about the article Shocked Woman Films Rat Nibbling On Food In Chinese Restaurant
Mouse spotted in a restaurant in Hefei, China. (sy19980420/AsiaWire)

Shocked Woman Films Rat Nibbling On Food In Chinese Restaurant

This is the moment a stunned diner films a rat nibbling on food on the counter of a Chinese restaurant. The incident was filmed at a hot pot restaurant in a shopping centre in the city of Hefei in the Chinese province of Anhui on 30th November. The woman, name…

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