This is the moment a stunned diner films a rat nibbling on food on the counter of a Chinese restaurant.
The incident was filmed at a hot pot restaurant in a shopping centre in the city of Hefei in the Chinese province of Anhui on 30th November.
The woman, name not reported, visited the restaurant with friends and the group was enjoying their food at a table when she glanced over to the counter.

To her surprise, the woman saw a rat standing on its back legs, nibbling on food.
In the video, the woman is seen zooming in on the rat from her table as it stands among several covered bowls on a counter, apparently nibbling on some remains.
She said the incident put her and her pals off their food and she filmed the scene out of annoyance at the incident.

The woman then confronted the restaurant manager who calmly told her that they are taking measures along with other businesses in the shopping centre to eradicate the problem, according to the news site Toutiao.
However, the offended diner said she would never visit the hot pot restaurant again.
It is unclear if the local authorities are investigating the reported pest problem in the shopping centre.