Read more about the article Explosive Moment Overturned Gas Delivery Lorry Blows Up
Pic Shows: The lorry carrying gas cylinders explodes; CHINA: Drivers stranded behind an overturned delivery lorry on a motorway have captured the moment the vehicle's gas cylinder cargo caught fire and exploded.

Explosive Moment Overturned Gas Delivery Lorry Blows Up

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire Drivers stuck behind an overturned gas delivery lorry on a motorway have captured the moment it catches fire and explodes. The accident happened on the Jingping Expressway in Chinese capital Beijing at 8:30am local time on 28th February. The lorry carrying gas cylinders, like…

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Read more about the article PETA Outrage At Vloggers Whale Burial Videos
Pic Shows: Man pressing the dolphin's lungs; CHINA: This is the moment a popular vlogger pulls a dead baby whale out of the sea before jokingly performing CPR and burying it, sparking calls from PETA to investigate the “silly videos”.

PETA Outrage At Vloggers Whale Burial Videos

Story By: Buli Liang, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire A popular Chinese vlogger has been slammed for pulling a dead baby whale out of the sea before jokingly performing CPR and then burying it. Vlogger ‘Yinghanzi’ filmed the incident in the city of Qingdao…

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Read more about the article Daughter Begs Hard Shoulder Cars To Let Ambulance Pass
Pic Shows: The patient's daughter kowtowing on the motorway, begging drivers occupying the emergency lane to let their ambulance through; CHINA: This heartbreaking footage shows a desperate daughter getting on her hands and knees to beg drivers illegally occupying a motorway emergency lane to let her parent's ambulance through.

Daughter Begs Hard Shoulder Cars To Let Ambulance Pass

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This heartbreaking footage shows a desperate daughter getting on her hands and knees to beg drivers illegally occupying a motorway emergency lane to let the ambulance that was taking her parent to hospital pass. Authorities in the city of Lu’an in East China’s Anhui…

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Read more about the article Chinese Store Owner Shoots 2 For Shoplifting
Pic shows: Thieves being shot at as they run away This is the moment a store owner reacts to seeing two young men stealing by shooting one of them dead and leaving the other badly injured. The incident was filmed by a CCTV camera in the 'Super Ciudad' supermarket in the city of Wilde in the eastern Argentine province of Buenos Aires when at least two men were caught stealing. In the footage a man in a grey hoodie appears to be stealing items from a shelf and putting them into a blue bag. A teenager wearing a Barcelona shirt is seen standing in front of him, seemingly shielding him from the CCTV camera, although it is unclear from the reports whether he was with the two alleged shoplifters. The second thief then comes into shot following loud noises, presumably gunfire, that startle the people in the supermarket who run for cover. The young man, wearing a red baseball cap and blue trousers, falls to the floor and scrambles to get outside while the other thief sprints out of the store. The supermarket owner, identified as Li Xiaomin, reportedly a Chinese national, then appears holding a gun and he tentatively goes to the supermarket entrance to check. Meanwhile, a silver Peugeot 308 is seen driving off. According to reports, one of the alleged thieves, identified as 30-year-old Joaquin Caceres, received two bullet wounds in the abdomen and one in the right arm. He was left in front of a nearby hospital where he died. His 27-year-old companion, Alan Osuna, was also injured in the abdomen and was caught by the cops shortly afterwards. The owner was arrested and later released after he said he was acting in self defence. Some reports suggested that the police arrested a third thief, but this has not been confirmed. Netizen ‘Renan Adama’ commented: "Good! It is the only way to stop them." ‘Dino Jesus Quispe Pilco’ added: "One less rat on the streets."

Chinese Store Owner Shoots 2 For Shoplifting

Story By: Angjela Trajkovska, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN This is the moment a store owner reacts to seeing two young men stealing by shooting one of them dead and leaving the other badly injured. The incident was filmed by a CCTV camera in the…

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Racist Woman Insults And Threatens Chinese Shop Worker

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN This is the shocking moment a blonde woman is caught on camera throwing goods around a Chinese shop in Spain and racially insulting a female sales assistant. The incident, filmed by other customers, took place in…

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