This is the moment dozens of tables and chairs speed along a road instead of cars during a severe storm in Brazil.
The incident was filmed on the BR-428 motorway in the municipality of Lagoa Grande in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco on 18th January.
The CCTV camera outside a shop filmed dozens of plastic tables and chairs bouncing along the street during a strong gust of wind.

Two women are seen taking cover on the pavement and a flying table and chair nearly hit one of them.
Meteorologist Thiago do Vale said strong winds like this, known as a ‘gust front’ or ‘outflow boundary’, are more common in the summer months and are usually accompanied by thunder and lightning.
The meteorologist said the filmed gust in Lagoa Grande was only of moderate intensity.

Teacher Tania Vieira said she was talking with her neighbour Neuma Goncalves while watching their children playing football when the strong gust suddenly sent patio furniture hurtling along the street.
They took refuge on the pavement and were not injured in the incident.
The teacher said: “It all happened so fast. When I looked, the wind was blowing and all those chairs were coming in our direction. We did not even have time to get inside the house.

“When I saw all the chairs flying, I thought ‘something will hit here soon and I’ll be taken off with it too’.”