Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Central European News
This is the moment burly Russian forest rangers try and fail to catch a quick-thinking wild porcupine in a garden with large blue barrels.
The rare scene was captured in the Taldomsky district in the western Russian region of Moscow Oblast when a wild porcupine (Erethizontidae) was found on the property of a local resident who called authorities to say the animal refused to leave their land.

Images of the rescue show two forest rangers in green uniforms and another man in normal clothes chasing the scared animal around the garden with two large blue barrels.
The animal runs up and down the garden, trying to get away from the men until finally one of the agents manages to corner it.

The animal, an arboreal rodent distinguished by its spiny coverings, can be seen running up and down the shortening space between the barrel and the garden fence until finally, the ranger is able to catch it in the barrel which it turns up vertical to keep it inside.
Central European News contacted the ‘Mosoblles’ state forestry committee, represented by the First Deputy CEO, Sergei Palchikov, who explained that they are not accustomed to catching wild animals, especially porcupines which are rarely spotted in the Moscow region.
Palchikov told CEN: “Most often these animals get scared of the noise and people and run away into the forest but this time the porcupine got stuck in the property and we had to help it.”

According to the official, the animal did not suffer any injuries while being caught, which was confirmed by a vet who examined the animal.
Palchikov said: “We passed the porcupine to a mini zoo, located in a neighbouring region where four other wild animals like this live. It has been placed into a spacious aviary and will join its brethren right after the vet confirms it got used to the atmosphere and people around.”
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