Speeding Rubbish Truck Derails Tram Injuring Two

Story ByGheorghi Caraseni, Sub EditorJoseph GolderAgencyCentral European News 

Video Credit: CEN/@infomoscow24

This is the moment a rubbish truck smashes at speed into the side of a tram in the Russian capital Moscow in an accident that left a small baby and an adult man hospitalised.

The collision happened at 20:21 PM local time on December 30 on the crossroad of the Sobolevsky and Koptevsky streets in Moscow with the crash itself captured on a CCTV camera and later shared on social media.

The images show the rubbish truck travelling towards the junction at speed and failing to stop in time as the tram crosses the road. The speed of the impact causes the heavy tram to fly off the rails and as it continues moving to demolish a lighting mast.

Picture Credit: CEN/@infomoscow24

The rubbish truck meanwhile ends up at the side of the road and numerous flashes can be seen in the footage as damaged high-voltage cables crackle and sparkle in the night.

Initially it was reported that six people had been hurt including two children, although local police later corrected this to say that only two people, the baby and the man, had been hospitalised with significant injuries and everyone else had been treated for only cuts and bruises. The two hospitalised are suffering from traumatic head injuries.

Online commentator ‘Dmitry_Chesalin’ wrote: “These dump trucks are going crazy: Accelerating, constantly honking their horns and flashing their headlights. This one is going to pay for the tram for their whole life – I wonder how much it costs..’

Another netizen, ‘Leonid_Kopeykin’ wrote: “Always it is the KamAz (truck model) drivers that violate the rules, that recklessly change lanes and drive too fast.”

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