Police Nick Driver Over Car Full Of Takeaway Trash

A driver whose car was so full of takeaway cartons he could not see out the windscreen has been booked by police in Germany.

Image shows the car full of rubbish, undated photo. Police have filed a criminal complaint against a 68-year-old man for keeping his car too dirty, in the city of Neubrandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. (Neubrandenburg Police Station/Newsflash)

Astonished officers pulled over the Volkswagen Caddy when they saw it was piled high with fast food cartons, empty bottles and takeaway debris.

Photos of the car show the trash had reached shoulder height on the passenger side and was spilling all over the dashboard.

More piles of rubbish and bottles of water can be seen toppling over from the rear seats.

Police from city of Neubrandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State, and the driver cleared out three bin liners of rubbish from the car on Tuesday, 7th March.

Police spokesperson Diana Krueger from the Neubrandenburg Police Station said in a statement obtained by Newsflash: “During the subsequent inspection of the 68-year-old driver, the officials found that the entire cargo area of ​​the VW Caddy was full of empties and rubbish.

“The driver’s area was also full of cigarette butts, notes, packaging materials and returnable bottles, so that only a third of the driver’s field of vision was free.

Image shows the city of Neubrandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, undated photo. Police have filed a criminal complaint against a 68-year-old man for keeping his car too dirty. (Newsflash)

“Only the driver’s seat was still free.

“The officers and the driver cleared three sacks full of rubbish and rubbish from the front of the vehicle so that the man could continue his journey.

“The officers accompanied the man to his place of residence, a village near Neubrandenburg, and instructed the 68-year-old that he would no longer be allowed to drive a vehicle like this in the future.”

Neubrandenburg Police reportedly filed a criminal complaint against the man for significantly compromising road safety.

They claimed that the man’s vision and safe manoeuvre of the vehicle were severely restricted by the rubbish.