Paedo Paediatrician Filmed Kiddie Porn In Hospital

Story ByAna LacasaSub EditorJoseph GolderAgencyCEN

Video Credit: CEN

This Argentine paediatrician has been arrested for producing and distributing child pornography images apparently filmed in a hospital.

According to local media, paediatrician Ricardo Russo, 55, was arrested in the car park of Hospital Garrahan in the eastern Argentine capital Buenos Aires while leaving work.

Argentine, US and Brazilian authorities were investigating a child porn ring that included material of minors aged between six months and 14 years.

Pictures Credit: CEN

According to reports, seven homes were raided across all three countries and Buenos Aires Justice Secretary Marcelo D’Alessandro said “there is no doubt” that the 55-year-old paediatrician is guilty of being involved in the alleged ring.

Like with the other raided homes, Russo had his computer, electrical devices and USB sticks seized for analysis.

D’Alessandro said that the evidence found at the suspect’s house is “strong” and involves “children being abused”.

The justice secretary added that Russo appeared in at least one alleged video and that some scenes were apparently filmed in a hospital.

Russo became a suspect in the investigation, headed by prosecutor Daniela Dupuy and in cooperation with US and Brazilian authorities, after reportedly circulating material on the file-sharing app eMule.

According to local media, the suspect has refused to comment and is currently being held in custody as the investigation continues.

Meanwhile, the hospital announced that Russo has been suspended until the investigation has concluded.