This is the shocking moment an alleged ghost slams a security guard into a wall before dragging him along the ground in a city hall at night, according to the sitting mayor.
The incident was shared on Facebook by Jose Manuel Rios Morales, the mayor of the city of Armenia in the western Colombian department of Quindio, on 4th August.
The official said the phantom attack took place in the mayor’s offices while guards were patrolling at night.

In the footage, a security guard is seen walking along the middle of the corridor before suddenly veering to the side and slamming against a wall as if being hit by a supernatural force like a poltergeist.
A poltergeist is a type of ghost that also has the ability to influence the physical world and to move things often unseen as in this video.
The man remains on the floor where he appears to be struggling with an invisible foe pulling him.

At the end of the clip, two other security guards appear on the scene to help their spooked colleague.
The fear of the supernatural mayor stated that he is convinced “faith has insurmountable power” and announced plans to bring in the Bishop and other religious leaders to exorcise the mayoral office of any bothersome ghosts.
Mayor Rios Morales accompanied the video with the message: “I want to share this video with you today, emphasising that as mayor, I have the conviction that faith has insurmountable power.

“I want to give everyone a little peace of mind and let them know that in the company of the Bishop and other religious leaders, we will bring God’s blessing to every corner of this workplace.
“We ask for respect and a union in prayer, and we assure you that nothing can steal our peace and tranquillity because we are protected by the hand of our Lord.”
It is unclear when the ‘justice league’ of religious leaders will arrive at the offices to tackle any aggressive spooks floating through the corridors.

Facebook user ‘Andres Velez Gutierrez’ commented: “The least they’ll say now is that the ghost is embezzling from the mayor…”
Netizen ‘Martha Cecilia Arenas Trujillo’ said: “Strength my mayor and friend. I send you hugs.”
‘Jose Libardo Giraldo Ardila’ wrote: “This is my mayor, always in the hands of the Creator.”