Hubby Tries To Kill Wife With Poisoned Pudding But Her Dad Eats It Instead

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Story By: Feza Uzay, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency:  Newsflash

A Turkish husband has been arrested for poisoning a dessert for his estranged wife that ended up being eaten by her father instead.

Feridun Alkan was furious when his wife Melek Alkan, 32, told him she wanted a divorce and then moved out to live with her parents.

When he found out she had gone, he went round to the house that she was staying at in the southern Turkish city of Antalya and blasted the property with a shotgun.


That resulted in the suspect, age not disclosed, being reported to police and getting a court order to stay away or face two months in jail.

He then persuaded two friends to pose as social workers to visit the family with the poisoned baklava on 27th November.

Baklava is a popular sweet pastry in Turkey where it is served topped with ground nuts.


The two fake social workers claimed the dessert was support for families during the COVID-19 crisis.

They then joined the family and watched as the young woman’s father Metin Kabakci, 57, ate two pieces while she did not.

A short while later, the man collapsed on the floor in agony and was rushed to the Antalya Training and Research Hospital by medics.


Speaking after surviving the attempted murder, Metin said: “I want him to never get out of jail again. I have no money, I am retired, but I want a good lawyer. I would be very happy if a lawyer could help me.”

Stating that she wanted her husband to be severely punished, Melek said: “My husband poisoned me before. He put poison in my juice. Fortunately, I was able to recover after four days.

“Only my father ate the baklava they brought and he was instantly sick. Anyone in the house could have eaten that baklava and we could have died. My father was in intensive care for days.”


A short while later, the police arrested the suspect and quickly tracked down his two friends identified by their initials O.G and M.E.

The pair was also arrested after being found with 10 grammes of toxic chemicals.

All three have been remanded in custody as the investigation continues.

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