Female Tube Driver Filmed Putting On Make-Up At Controls

This is the eyebrow-raising moment a female tube driver is filmed putting on her make-up while the train she is in control of hurtles around a bend at high speed.

The shocking footage, filmed in Mexico’s capital Mexico City, shows the driver applying her eyebrow pencil while she is in charge of the train.

At the time the FR.0029 engine was racing around a steep curve towards a station and can be seen jolting as the brakes come on.

Now Mexican train officials say they have reprimanded the driver over the footage after it appeared on social media.

The Collective Transportation System, which runs the Metro line, confirmed on 8th May that the driver had been reprimanded for failing to carry out her duties.

Metro driver puts on make up in Mexico City, undated. Metro responded that the investigation is being carried out in order to sanction the worker. (Newsflash)

But they insisted that automatic safety systems controlling the train’s speed and braking meant that passengers had not been at risk.

They said in a post on X, formerly Twitter: ” In relation to the video circulating on social networks where a train driver is seen putting on makeup while doing her job, the Metro is aware of the matter.

“A corresponding investigation was carried out and an administrative procedure will happen to sanction the worker.

“It should be noted that the operation of the trains has automatic piloting, to guarantee safety conditions during the runs of the units.”

Metro driver puts on make up in Mexico City, undated. Metro responded that the investigation is being carried out in order to sanction the worker. (Newsflash)

But their response was mocked by X users.

One ‘Aldo Conde’ said: “Oh well, if it drives itself, why do they have someone in the driving seat?”

And ‘MezcalMan’ added: “What’s strange about all this, girls always put on makeup on the underground?”