Story By: Sergiu Nazaru, Sub Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Central European News
An unauthorised ‘food porn’ social media account for a Russian trawler fleet has appeared on Instagram showing sexy naked models posing with popular seafood products.
The account was set up as an unofficial page for the Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet (ATF) in its 100th year, despite the company claiming they have nothing to do with it.
However cynical social media users said they doubted that it had been set up without the company’s active involvement.
The AFT is the Founder of the Russian Trawler Fleet and part of North West Fishing Consortium.
Images show naked or scantily-clad male and female models posing with succulent seafood products such as squids and prawns in a so-called ‘food porn’ style.
Netizens criticised the images as being no more than an inappropriate marketing campaign and accused the AFT of being behind the ‘unofficial’ Instagram account.
One Instagram user said: “The account is called unofficial which means there are no official ads being used just ‘black PR’. Their social media boffins do not know how to make a trawl fleet interesting so use sexual exploitation instead.”
However, AFT assistant director general Alena Osinina denied that the company is behind the apparently marketing-based account.
Osinina said: “The Arkhangelsk Trawl Fleet has nothing to do with this account and is looking into how and why it was created.”