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State To Pay 5K To Muslim Woman Over Headscarf Insult

Story By: Aleksandra Stefanova, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News A Muslim woman who complained she was turned down for a teaching job because she wanted to wear her headscarf in class has been awarded compensation. The German state of Berlin has been ordered by the State Labour Court of Berlin-Brandenrburg to…

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Turkish Man Assaults English GF In Middle Of Street

Story By: Sibel Abdiu, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN This is the shocking moment a Turkish man assaults a woman speaking with what appears to be an English accent and identified as his girlfriend in the middle of the street. The incident took place at around 2am on the…

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Politician Wants Wizard Union To Eradicate Fake Sorcery

Story By: Sergey Panashchuk, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Picture Credits: CEN/Anton Paleev A Russian politician wants to see "genuine wizards" join forces and form an official union to help people tell apart "fake warlocks" who provide "phony" services. The unusual initiative has been proposed by Anton Paleev, a…

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Uni Professors Bizarre Screaming Fit Over Police Fine Video Credit: CEN A university professor is suing cops after they shared a video on social media of her having a complete screaming meltdown at being fined for driving without a valid driving licence. The woman, identified as Prof. Dr. Ozlem Atan Tarlaci, was stopped by police in the…

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Silence Of Lambs-Style Killer Wears Woman Victims Skin

Story by: Bartosz Staszewski, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European NewsPicture Credit: CEN A man arrested on suspicion of being a killer who tortured and skinned a pretty blonde student to make a suit for himself like Buffalo Bill from the Silence of the Lambs has complained he is being bullied by prison guards. Whingeing…

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