Boy Hit By Bus Moves Legs To Stop Them Being Crushed

Story ByBuli LiangSub EditorJoseph GolderAgencyAsia Wire Report

Video Credit: AsiaWire

This is the moment a quick-thinking schoolboy knocked down by a bus as he walked across a zebra crossing swiftly moves his legs to prevent them being crushed by the huge vehicle. 

The incident occurred in Zhijin County in Bijie City in Guizhou Provine in south-western China as a group of schoolchildren were crossing a road.

Dashcam footage from a car travelling behind the bus shows one boy walking across the crossing, looking in the opposite direction and the bus driver appears to fail to spot him.

Pictures Credit: AsiaWire

The driver turns into the boy, who has not been named in reports, knocking him to the tarmac. The youngster reacts quickly to pull his legs from under the bus to stop them from being crushed before calmly getting to his feet.

He then walks across the street with his fellow pupils and CCTV footage shows the bus driver getting off the vehicle to look for the youngster but he has already walked away.

Zhijin County traffic police investigated the incident and found the driver was guilty of not giving priority to pedestrians, he was handed a 100-RMB (11.5-GBP) fine.

Local media report the bus company located the boy and had him taken for a check-up at the hospital where no injuries were found. The bus driver has reportedly apologised to the youngster and is expected to be punished by the company.

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