Story By: James King, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash
These images show a shadowy figure believed to be a bison spotted crossing a road. The footage was shared online by the Island Lake Police Department, who said: “As elusive as Sasquatch himself, our beloved Island Lake bison was spotted a few days ago. If you look closely at the video, you can see its silhouette frolicking across Darrell Rd, just south of Case Rd. Apparently he wanted to remind everyone not to speed, pay attention to the road and not to text and drive. Had Officer Lane not been vigilant, had been speeding, or would’ve been distracted, he would have hit the bison and hurt himself and the bison. Please drive carefully out there, folks and be aware that our friend the bison still roams free, living its best life. It lives, it laughs, it loves… be well, bison.”