Story By: Simon Glover, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report
This woman was left with pus-filled blisters on her lips and an infection after she had cut-price trendy braces fitted by a bogus dentist.
The woman, whose name has not been revealed, went to an unlicensed practitioner in the southern Malaysian state of Johor.
Dentist Azila Mohd Kasim shared the images on Facebook as a warning to people tempted by apparent bargains offered by fake dentists.
Pictures Credit: AsiaWire
Azila said the woman had found a ‘dentist’ willing to fit her with braces for the unbelievable price of 190 MYR (35 GBP).
The woman later said her mouth had initially been rinsed by an unidentified blue liquid, which was painful, before having the braces installed.
After one week, her lips and face had become badly swollen and she had a fever but her so-called dentist insisted this was normal.
The women finally went to a hospital after pus-filled blisters appeared on her lips but medics told her they did not have the right equipment to remove her braces.
The woman then had to wait another three days to have them safely removed at a private clinic at a cost of MYR 650 (120 GBP).
Doctors took a sample of her blood and found the braces had caused a bacterial infection.
Azila urged people to learn from the woman’s bitter experiences and to only seek dental treatment from a licensed dentist.