Gang members behind the theft of 1,500 legs of posh prosciutto ham worth EUR 200,000 from a warehouse have been seized by police in Italy.
The brazen crooks had needed three lorries to carry off their massive EUR 200,000 (GBP 170,000) haul from producers in Rivignano-Teor, in Udine province, in April last year (2023).
Now police have seized seven suspects said to be behind the theft in a series of raids in Milan, Foggia and Barletta-Andria-Trani.
The suspects, who have not been named, are being held in custody while they wait to go on trial, reports local media.

Police are said to have tracked them down by watching hours of CCTV footage from cameras around the plant to follow cars and trucks and identify their drivers.
One clip of footage released by investigators shows a truck heading to and from the plant during the heist.
A police spokesperson said: “The measures are all the result of a thorough investigation, started immediately after the incident by the Operational Unit of the Carabinieri Company of Latisana (UD), under the direction of the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Udine.”