Read more about the article Magic 1M-USD Throne Booked By Fatcats In Bid To Cash In
Picture Credit: CEN/@rybakov_igor

Magic 1M-USD Throne Booked By Fatcats In Bid To Cash In Video Credit: CEN/@alexey_sergienko The throne filled with a million dollars that was exhibited by a Russian billionaire last week has now been booked to appear at international financial forums and events where participants will be encouraged to sit on it to absorb its 'wealth energy'. The 'Money throne x10'…

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Read more about the article Drunk Man Tied To Tree With Cling Film By Family
Pic shows: The intoxicated man tied to a tree. This is the moment Russian cops work to free a man tied up to a tree in cling film - reportedly by relatives sick of his drunk antics.

Drunk Man Tied To Tree With Cling Film By Family

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/@msk_today This is the moment Russian cops work to free a man tied to a tree with cling film after his relatives reportedly grew tired of his drunken antics. The incident reportedly took place in the Golovinsky Ponds area in the north…

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Read more about the article Cop Pours Jack Daniels Into Cars Anti-Freeze Tank
Pic Shows: Policeman poured whiskey into the car; This is the moment a Russian policeman pours a bottle of Jack Daniels into his car engine's coolant tank instead of anti-freeze because “he can afford to”.

Cop Pours Jack Daniels Into Cars Anti-Freeze Tank

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/@act54 This is the moment a Russian policeman pours a bottle of Jack Daniels into his car engine's anti-freeze tank because “he can afford to”. The bizarre video was reportedly recorded in the city of Novosibirk, in the Novosibirsk Oblast region in…

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Read more about the article Actor To Wed Sex Doll After Paying For Real Cosmetic Ops
Pic Shows: Yurii Tolochko with Margo; A hunky actor and bodybuilder has vowed to marry his synthetic ‘girlfriend’ after paying real plastic surgeons to enhance the sex doll’s appearance.

Actor To Wed Sex Doll After Paying For Real Cosmetic Ops

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Picture Credit: CEN/ @Yurii_tolochko This hunky actor and bodybuilder has vowed to marry his synthetic ‘girlfriend’ after paying real plastic surgeons to enhance the sex doll’s appearance when "she began to develop a complex". Kazakh actor Yuri Tolochko also revealed that the unusual couple…

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Read more about the article Rare Endangered Golden Monkeys Unveiled At Moscow Zoo
Pic Shows: Rare golden tamarins appeared in the Moscow Zoo; These are the rare endangered golden monkeys which have been unveiled at Moscow Zoo.

Rare Endangered Golden Monkeys Unveiled At Moscow Zoo

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  These high-quality images show the rare endangered golden monkeys which have been unveiled at Moscow Zoo. The two female Golden Lion Tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) have been displayed for the public at Moscow Zoo after being released from quarantine. Picture Credit: CEN/ The monkeys, which…

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